Help The Environment And Cash In With Cash Sack!

The reduction of landfill is a major priority around the globe and anything that can be done to help to assist with this is a step in the right direction.

Helping The Environment

In Australia measures have been introduced to encourage consumers to recycle within the household.

One such initiative in Western Australia is the ‘Containers for Change’ programme with 10 cents available for redemption on all eligible containers. And, with 1.3 BILLION drink containers being used in WA alone each year it’s important every household gets behind it. However, many consider the process tiresome and for some, even too difficult.

‘Cash Sack’ now provides an easy solution that can help every household with the collection and delivery of recyclable items making the process of recycling more attractive and easier than ever!

It’s a low-cost recycling essential, perfect for every household.

About Cash Sack

Cash Sack fits easily onto existing yellow lid recycle bins so it’s always located in the perfect spot. It’s made from 100% recyclable waterproof material that’s exceptionally tough and durable.

Watch the video to find out more about this unique Australian innovation.

Cash Sack Makes Recycling Easy

Filling Cash Sack is easy, and the zip or Velcro top options keeps everything neat and tidy. It’s also self-standing once a few containers are placed in the bag which means it can easily be removed when your standard recycling bin needs to be placed at the kerb for collection.

The conveniently placed carry handles make loading into a vehicle an absolute breeze…… ready for transport to the recycling depot.

Cash Sack Pays For Itself

When full the Cash Sack can hold between 150 and 230 mixed cans, bottles and plastic containers meaning the cost of the bag is repaid more than double in just one visit!

Bags can also be customised to meet specific requirements. For example, the addition of a pocket to take a Containers for Change registration card or the addition of a front access flap allowing the sack to be filled without the need to open the top. Bags can also supplied in an alternate colour for charitable groups. It also has applications for both council and government initiatives with the addition of city or council logos and identification.

Cash Sack Is A Real Winner!

Most importantly, Cash Sack makes the process of recycling easier than ever.

And more people actively recycling and using Cash Sack means less litter, less general waste, less landfill and in turn more money in the consumer’s pocket.

Its’ simply a WIN WIN!

To find out more about this exiting product contact Cash Sack today.

To Find Out More About This Exiting
Product Contact Cash Sack Today.

Get In Touch

We welcome personal, business, or general enquiries. Please provide your contact details below and we’ll be in touch.